Rainbow Chakra Journey

Ever felt lost or unsure of your life’s direction? If so, you’re not alone and we’re here to help guide you “Home”!

Rainbow Chakra Journey seeks to help practitioners’ connect to their mind, body & soul for a feeling of being recognized and peaceful. This asana, pranayama and dharana focused workshop is an affirmation stating “I am found, I am present and I am peaceful during my life journey”. Please join us as we embrace the present moment knowing that it’s’ our greatest guide forward.

Teacher Bio:

Movement has been a life shaping and changing passion for this yogi: Jonathan (Jona). Born in Virginia, they first met asana as a fitness trainer concentrating on dynamic movement and adults with limited mobility. To this day, the unity that is Yoga inspires them to think, love, & move more universally.

Jona believes in the uninhibited properties of spiritual inquiry and artistic expression to ease internal and external traumas. In addition to teaching, they joyfully consider themselves a student of liberation. Incorporating passions for civil rights, fitness, art education and ontology (metaphysics dealing with the nature of being) they hope to help students identify applicable holistic health practices. With some budding non-profit involvement and continued education, Jona is broadening their knowledge to best serve our communities various needs in & beyond conventionality. They currently hold accreditation in crisis intervention training, group fitness instruction and linguistics. Peace, they look forward to Yoga with you on and off the mat!

Led by: Jona M.

Long Beach
March 16, 2024
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
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